Saturday, December 26, 2009

Book One: Knowledge Power Chapter/"Bato of the Water Tribe"


We find the two young Gods, Sokka and Aang, and the Queen Katara in the woods. They come accross some recognizable weapons which are indicative of a recent battle. Sokka does the knowledge and quickly surmises that the conflict was between a group of Water Tribe Warriors and some Fire Nation Soldiers. The clues they find lead them to the beach where they encounter a Water Tribe ship. It's from Hakoda's fleet self cipher Sokka and Katara know that their ole' Dad has passed through the area recently. Upon making camp they are approached by a familiar face. It turns out to be one of Hakoda's best friends, Bato. The sight of a fellow tribesman brings about a jubilant current of allah I rule for the kids. Bato makes knowledge born that he was wounded in the battle and had to be left behind. He's been staying at a nearby abbey where the nuns have manifested their M.G.T. and G.C.C. pedigree by taking good care of him as he heals. When they get to his rest, the young water-tribe members are delighted to see that it's decorated just like an authentic dwelling from their homeland. He even has some native god degree cooking over a well-lit fire. As they catch up and trade old stories from their homeland, Aang starts to feel apart from the social equality. It's obvious that he's afraid his friends will leave him in order to try and reunite with their ole' Dad.

Bato tells Sokka and Katara that Hakoda will be sending him a message soon alerting him of the unit's location so that he can link back up with them. He adds on, that they are welcome to accompany him if they would like. Although the thought of getting the family back together is most peace, they decline because they have to get the God Aang to the North Pole so that he can find a water bending master to teach him. Prince Zuko and the God Iroh are sharing a cup of square equal allah when they are disturbed by a sudden loud ruckus on their ship. The source of the commotion is a bounty hunter named June seeking to serve justice to a suspected stowaway. Zuko, quickly barks that there are no stowaways on his ship, b.u.t. she quickly shows and proves him not to be right and exact. Her Shearshu beast sniffs him out, and paralyzes him, making the capture an easy one for her to cash in on. Upon assessing the damage done to his ship the Prince decides to find June and do trading with her in a way that will add on to his cause of catching the Avatar. He proposes a deal with her whereby in exchange for her help finding the kids, he will consider the damage to the ship paid for. She initially declines b.u.t. once the God Iroh sweetens the deal by offering her more gold, she has a change of heart.

Back at the kids' camp, Aang receives the message delivery for Bato, regarding Hakoda's location. Because of his fear that his brother and sister in tribulation will desert him, he decides to withhold the message from them. The next day, Bato takes them out to the beach and builds with them about a Water Tribe rite of passage called ice dodging that young gods from the tribe undergo at the allah god equal of knowledge culture. When Sokka makes knowledge born that he never got a chance to go, Bato agrees to simulate the experience for him. He explains that he knows of a stretch of river full of dangerous patterns of rock which they will substitute for ice. Sokka must be the captain of the mission and successfully navigate the course of the ship through the treacherous waters. Aang and Katara act as his lieutenants. Bato can't add on in any way if the exercise is to be carried out right and exact, according to tradition. Sokka shows and proves skillfully and upon doing so, Bato gives each of the kids an authentic tribal forehead marking to signify the noble attributes they each manifested. When he gets to Aang and declares him an honorary member of the Water Tribe, the young God discloses his filthy affair and tells them about the message he's been hiding. Needless to say, Sokka blasts him with a cold current of rage and declares that he can find his own way to the North Pole.

Meanwhile, Zuko, Iroh, and June are hot on their trail. Zuko is in possession of Katara's betrothal necklace she inherited from her ole' Earth. Since June's beast has such a keen sense of smell, it is her scent from the necklace that leads them to the abbey. Allah self Sokka and Katara depart with Bato, he adds on with them on the loneliness one feels when they are separated from their loved ones and left to feel like they are on an island situated by the Agean Sea. When they draw up his wisdom, the kids come to realize that Aang needs them. In spite of his transgression, they decide to go back to the abbey and rejoin him. Zuko and his crew track them down on their way back and captures them. Before he can get away, the God Aang shows up. It's immediately cipher now, and he and the Prince go at it. The action heats up when the kids regain their bearings and assist him in defeating the Prince. The gang reunites and continues their journey to the North Pole.

SV Allah

Friday, December 18, 2009

Book One: Knowledge Culture Chapter/"The Fortuneteller"


This episode deals with the knowledge cipher degree in the knowledge to culture cipher in terms of confronting the prevalence of belief in mystery, and searching for that which does not exist. The young Gods and Earth encounter a master allah now who is being attacked by a bear in the woods. As they advise him on how to evade the beast, they are surprised to witness his relaxed disposition as he deftly avoids the attack and survives it without being touched. Appa runs up on the bear from behind and plants fear in him that drives him away. When Sokka tells the man that he's lucky they came along to save him, he tells him that he would've been safe anyway because Aunt Wu, the fortuneteller from his village, told him that he would have a safe journey. Being the pragmatist that he is, the young God is skeptical and basically tells the man that he shouldn't take Aunt Wu's predictions on face value. The man rebuts that she's always right and exact, and says that she told him to give an umbrella to anyone that he met on his trip. Not more than a moment after Katara takes the umbrella from him and he moves on, it begins to distill. Upon witnessing this seemingly prophetic occurrence the God Aang and Katara are drawn up by the idea that Aunt Wu can predict the future and suggest that they go visit her to get their fortunes told. Reluctantly, Sokka joins them holding firm to the idea that they are searching for that which does not exist.

Upon reaching Aunt Wu's rest, they are greeted by a young wisdom named Mang, who is her assistant. She's instantly drawn up by Aang and attempts to magnetize him immediately. While Katara gets her fortune told, the Gods Sokka & Aang build on what she might potentially be discussing with Aunt Wu. Since Aang has a crush on the queen, he is curious about whether Aunt Wu will predict that the two of them will get together. When his turn comes, she reveals to him that his future will involve an extremely epic battle which will impact the wisdom allah rule as well as the fate of the world. He's only interested in what she for sees in his love-life. The villagers gather and await Aunt Wu's arrival to read the clouds and predict the future of the village, particularly the likelihood that the local volcano will erupt. After she reveals her predictions, the God Sokka manifests his determined idea to show and prove that she can't really tell the future. He's annoyed to find so many of the villagers with nurse's needles deeply embedded in their minds. They each seem to live their lives based on what she tells them.

Aang convinces Sokka to accompany him to a field where he can find a special flower for Katara. They discover along the way that the volcano will actually erupt and that Aunt Wu was wrong. They immediately go and add on with Katara, then rush to address the village. They are such slaves of a mental death and power, that even when they show and prove the righteous youngsters can't reach them. They come up with a power love allah now to manipulate Aunt Wu's cloud reading technique in order to show the villagers that they are in danger. Aang and Katara build on the science of cloud composition and combine their air and water bending skills to shape the clouds in such a way that they will symbolically indicate forthcoming doom. Finally they are able to convince the villagers to evacuate. The God Aang shows and proves that when the toughest of tribulations come about, he is indeed the Avatar. He is able to prevent the lava from destroying the village, and the people learn not to base their lives on the wisdom of one Queen vs doing the knowledge for self.

SV Allah

Monday, December 7, 2009

Book One: Chapter Knowledge Understanding/"Blue Spirit"


This episode starts with Commander Zhou requesting that Colonel Shinoh allow him the use of an elite team of archers called the Yu Yan, to help him capture the Avatar. The precision of the the Yu Yan is legendary but the Colonel denies the request. Shortly after their disagreement, word arrives via messenger hawk, that Zhou has been promoted to Admiral, making him the captain, and Shinoh the lieutenant. Instantly, his request turns into an order. Sokka and Katara both come down with the flu self cipher the God Aang has to go and seek out a cure for them. He travels to an Herbalist Institute to do the knowledge and find some medicine. Prince Zuko's ship crosses paths with that of one of Zhou's and his soldiers make knowledge born that the hunt for Aang has been given high priority. As a result, all information regarding his whereabouts must be reported accordingly. The young God Zuko, viewing Zhou to be unalike, has no interest in reporting anything to him or his troops. He orders the soldiers to leave his ship immediately.

The Prince is concerned that with his new found resources, it's only a matter of square I master equal before Zhou finds that Avatar. If he does, Zuko will lose his honor and the chance to regain his rightful place as heir to the Fire Nation throne. The herbalist advises Aang that all he needs to cure Sokka and Katara are some frozen wood frogs. Their skin secretes a substance that will reverse polarity on their condition and have them feeling better at a terrific speed. Little does the God know the trial and tribulation that he is soon to face. Upon departing the Herbalist's Institute, he's bombarded by Yu Yan arrows. The archers give chase and finally rope and bind him at the swamp. Once he is captured Zhou goes to confront him and manifests his intention to keep him alive until he can turn him over to the Fire Lord. Zuko comes up with a determined idea to circumvent Zhou's resources and take posession of the young God for himself. He infiltrates the fortress disguised as the "Blue Spirit." Dressed in ninja attire and armed with wisdom twin swords he stealthily breaks Aang out of captivity.

Obviously, Aang is curious to know who this is playing the I-John role for him although he doesn't waste unnecessary time questioning him. They make a master allah divine dash for the wall and are discovered trying to escape. They have no choice but to advocate one common cause and in so doing, deftly show and prove themselves to be said persons of that ability. When they are finally cornered at the fortress gate, Zuko puts the double blades to the God's neck forcing Zhou to let them go. He orders the Yu Yan to shoot an arrow at the head of the Blue Spirit in order to knock him out. They do, but before they can take them into custody Aang scoops up Zuko and they vanish into the forest. As the Prince lay unconscious, the young God begins to build with him regarding a time on the first zig during which he, and his good friend Kuzon from the Fire Nation used to share a peace social equality. Based on the strength of said bond, he asks the Prince if he thought they could ever be friends. At that moment, Zuko hurls a fire blast at him, only to miss as the God fled through the forest. They each retreat to their respective ciphers as the episode ends.

SV Allah

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Book 1/Chapter Knowledge Wisdom: "The Storm"


This episode starts with the young God Aang having a nightmare. A storm is coming and there are some who can sense it and others who cannot. The older god Iroh makes knowledge born to Zuko and advises him that they should change the course of their ship to avoid it. His light is unable to overtake the Prince's dark rage which drives him to chase the Avatar regardless of the risks involved. The storm is symbolic of the various internal devil's that haunt both he and Aang. As the plot develops, the parallel between the two of them becomes ever more pronounced. They each have unresolved issues from their pasts buried within. Aang feels guilty because he abandoned the world when the wisdom allah rule began. He builds with Katara about the time when the monks first told him that he was the Avatar. As soon as knowledge was made born, the other young monks started to treat him like he was different. The sudden change in the way that he fit into the temple's social equality made him savior allah destroy. To make matters worse, his enlightener, Kiatso was separated from him by the monks because they wanted Aang to focus on his training. The God Kiatso simply wanted what was best for him, and felt that it was wrong to turn his life completley upside down. The six sextillion tons of stress weighed self cipher heavily on him that he fled.

On Zuko's ship, many of the crew grew tired of the cold current that the Prince was manifesting. Iroh overheard them building on it and decided to join them and make knowledge born regarding it's origin. He told them the story of Zuko's fall from grace. When he spoke out of turn at a war meeting the fire Lord challenged the Prince to a duel. The young God thought that he would be fighting the captain that he had disrespected so when he saw that it was his father that would be his opponent, he begged for mercy. Fire Lord Ozai told him to rise and fight for his honor, and when he didn't, he burned him and banished him from the palace. He was told that only upon capturing the Avatar could he return.

Both of the young Gods have alot of growing to do. Zuko's current of allah I rule warms up and he aplogizes to Iroh for snapping at him. He realized that the older God only had the best interest of the crew at heart. As he grows Iroh will play the critical role of I-John throughout a multiplicity of trials and tribulations. Regardless of how much of a savage the young God may act at square I master equals, he continues to give all he has and all within his power to see the divine allah why when he elevates to his fullest potential. Aang will also be the beneficiary of companionship and wisdom from many sources. Katara in particular posesses magnetic that is strong enough to calm him when he starts to act other than his ownself. The pressure that Aang and Zuko each feel corresponds to the supreme positions that they are each destined to ultimately occupy. The reason that they must endure such treacherous training units is so that they can learn the true meaning of civilization and, in turn, become righteous teachers of freedom, justice, and equality.

SV Allah

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Book One:Knowledge Knowledge Chapter: "The Great Divide"


This episode opens with Sokka and Katara arguing over their respective justice cipher borns correspondent to setting up camp. Aang suggests that they switch tasks in order to restore peace. Part of the young god's duty as a civilized person is to teach which he does at every given opportunity. Throughout this episode, he will have to show and prove himself to be said person of that ability often. They encounter wisdom tribes of people at the largest canyon in the world which is called the Great Divide. The Gonjin tribe is a group of very refined people who are neat and clean. The Zhangs on the contrary are more rustic and raw in their ways and actions. An earthbending tour guide is needed to lead everyone in the right direction through the path. The wisdom tribes are so unalike that they can't seem to deal in equality. In order to quell the clashing Aang suggests that they split up. Sokka travels with the Zhang and Katara travels with the Gonjin. In this wisdom allah why, they intend to do the knowledge on the two groups and find out the origin of their beef. What they find is that each group has been made to think that they are different based upon conflicting stories relative to the cold current's origin.

The God Aang builds with his friends to knowledge the wisdom they acquired from the two tribes. Aang continues to advocate a common cause, b.u.t. a fight breaks out in the process. When they encounter dangerous canyon creatures that pose a threat to everyone's safety, they have to stop figting and trying to kill one another. Instead they must be companions in tribulation and help each other in order to survive. Aang manifests a build that rewrites the history of the wisdom tribes in a story revealing that there actually never was a real problem between them and that the stories they had been holding on to represented a mental death and power to which they were slaves. By freeing them from the rope of myth that had them bound in friction, he effectively switched the polarity of their equality from destroy to build. Although the math that he employed came in the fine mist of a fictitious account of their past Q'uran it was still the right and exact approach to melting down the cold current. The wisdom allah rule between the Zhangs and Gonjin ended and they reached the common ground of undestanding.

SV Allah

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Book 1 Water: Knowledge Cipher Chapter/"Jet"


This power allah god equality in the Q'uran of the group opens with them in a jungle type area. They sense the danger of Fire Nation presence and the God Sokka suggests that instead of flying, allah self they normally would, they walk in order to remain in a fine mist as they travel. His idea is met with resistance by Katara and Aang. His angle is right and exact, in that the reason they keep getting spotted is because Appa is too conspicuous due to his size. Sokka is a born leader and doesn't sit and wait for things to happen. He instead does the knowledge and plans moves mathematically. In spite of taking a ribbing from the rest of the unit, his will is done and they decide to walk every step of the way. They quickly find that walking is slow and tiring. They also run into a cee allah master power of Fire Nation soldiers. Just as it seems that trouble will be caused among the righteous, a hero enters the picture and shows and proves swiftness with double swords. His now allah master equal is Jet.

Jet and his squad are hardly detected as they spring into action from the trees slaying the Fire Nation soldiers at a terrific speed. Allah self their leader the young God is the most skilled fighter and his sword game is scientific. He shows and proves knowledge as a quality and overcomes high digit quantity in fighting, taking the heads of all in his path. His squad is called the Freedom Fighters. It turns out that each member has had someone close to them returned back by the Fire Nation. As a result, they started a civilization in the trees. They spend their square I master equal ambushing their troops, and murdering the devil that is their wicked ways. Katara is somewhat drawn up by Jet. The God has magnetic and is said person of the ability to make rain, hail, snow and earthquakes when necessary making him allah love love the more appealing to the Queen. When he and Sokka go on a mission together they run into an old man from the Fire Nation and Jet wanted to shake him down and take his head. Sokka manifested a just and true nature when he said emphatically now cipher, and made him spare the life. At this point, it becomes clear that their currents don't mix. Jet uses his charm to convince Aang and Katara to stay and help him ward off a pending Fire Nation attack, against the wishes of Sokka, who sensed a filthy affair.

When he overhears his power love allah now to destroy a Fire Nation camp full of innocent women and children intermingled amongst soldiers, he confronts him for his savage ways and actions. The Freedom Fighters take him captive and Jet enlists the help of Aang and Katara to blow the village dam and flood the Earth-Kingdom camp returning wisdoms and babies back. Once they catch wisdom I now divine of the plan they go to stop him resulting in a battle between Jet and Aang. The God Jet gave the young Sun a rule u now for his money b.u.t. Aang showed and proved that he's the Avatar, always has been and always will be victorious. Katara comes in with the ill assist and freezes Justice Equal Truth at understanding wisdom degrees against a tree. One of the Freedom Fighters blew the damn b.u.t. Sokka went to the town and warned the village people in time for them to escape. The Queen and the young God show Sokka respect for manifesting his wisdom to advocate one common cause as the episode ends.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Book 1: Born Chapter/"The Water Bending Scroll"


The young God Aang is anxious about the knowledge Roku made born to him, in terms of his duty to restore peace to the world. The idea of having to master all culture elements by the end of the summer, and defeat the Fire Lord is one that he finds daunting to say the least. The kids decide to find a source of water at which they can settle and the Queen Katara can teach Aang some of what she knows of the science of water bending. Allah self he practices with her, the young God manifests a natural proficiency that she finds annoying. The reason that she's bothered is because of the length of square I master equal it took her to learn what she knows vs the rapidity with which Aang effortlessly is picking it up. They go into town to shop for supplies and come accross a group of pirates. The pirates have a ship full of stolen merchandise that they are selling. Among the items is an authentic water bending scroll. The young Queen is self cipher intrigued by it that after finding out that it's price is worth more gold than she can afford, she decides to steal it. Once the pirates catch on to her filthy affair the kids find themselves under attack. After an intense chase, they manage to escape to the water self power cipher truth.

Once there, they continue their water bending practice. After struggling to perfect a new move, and watching Aang perform it with ease, Katara is overcome by a cold current and snaps at the God for advising her on how to properly execute the move. She's so busy pursuing happiness in the form of increased skill level within her discipline, she momentarily forgets her duty which is to teach him. She immediately cleans herself up and aplogizes showing and proving her refinement. Zuko and his crew have found out from the pirates where the kids were headed, and maintained their pursuit. When everyone else goes to sleep, Katara falls victim to temptation and goes out on the water with the scroll to practice some more. By doing so, she puts the group in danger unknowingly. The prince finds her, captures her and demands to know where Aang is. He solicits the help of the pirates to find him and, because they want the stolen scroll back, they do and capture he and Sokka. Once Zuko meets back up with the pirates to trade them the scroll for the God, Sokka sticks a nurse's needle in the brains of the pirates by telling them that the Avatar is far more valuable than the scroll, and that they stand to receive more gold if they keep him and essentially sell him into the custody of the Fire Lord. They take the bait and call off the trade, at which point a fight breaks out. Amidst the confusion the kids manage to escape and retrieve the scroll. As the episode closes, Katara builds with Aang about how sorry she is that she lost her cee cipher cipher love with him and comes to understand that she was not right and exact.

SV Allah

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Book 1 Water:Build Chapter/Winter Solstice pt. Wisdom: "Avatar Roku"


We open with the God Aang about to make his wisdom allah why to the Fire Nation. He has to get there before the sun sets on the winter solstice self cipher he can build with the older God Avatar Roku. Sokka and Katara are concerned about him traveling to such hostile territory and have a determined idea to accompany him. Although the God initially is strivin' to travel alone they reverse magnetic on his thoughts, and he agrees to let them come along. This is a pivotal moment for Aang because he finally will get to build with Roku and benefit from his wisdom. Thus far he has been without qualified guidance on his quest to become a fully realized Avatar. He is just really getting into the wisdom dimension of his journey and the understanding of the God will add on to him tremendously. Allah self the story develops the older God will prove to be a brother and companion in tribulation. Soon after their departure for the Crescent Island, where Roku's temple is located, Prince Zuko shows up and catches wind of where they are headed. As they fly toward their destination they find that they have some unwanted company. Not only does Zuko's ship pop up in hot pursuit, b.u.t. they find that they are headed toward a Fire Nation blockade of ships led by Commander Zhou. Zhou is strivin' to impress the Fire Lord in any way possible and sees this as the perfect opportunity to capture not only the Avatar, b.u.t. also the Prince, who he views as a trader.

The kids come under heavy fire from the ships as they run the blockade. The God Iroh advises Prince Zuko not to follow them because he may have to face the wrath of the Fire Lord if he is captured. Even still, Zuko ignores his wisdom and is prepared to give all he has and all within his power to see the day when he has captured Aang and can return to his nation having done what he promised that he would do. Although it was rough, the kids make it to Roku's island. When they enter the temple they are immediately attacked by the Fire Sages who guard it. Fortunately, there is one sage who offers to lead them in the right direction to where Aang can speak with Roku. Just before they are captured he takes them through a secret passageway and they escape. On the way he adds on with them about why he was willing to betray the other sages and help them. It turns out that the sages had always been loyal lieutenants during the square I master equal when Roku was their captain. When he returned to the essence, they anxiously awaited the next Avatar, b.u.t. Aang never showed up. Consequently, they became bitter and began to serve the Fire Lord. Zuko is suprised when Zhou allows his ship to power allah self savior freely. Little does he know, until Iroh puts him on to Zhou's dirty religion that his power love allah now is to follow their ship straight to Aang and ambush them both. For the sake of clarity, let me make knowledge born that when Aang meets Roku it will be in the spirit world. Roku returned to the essence years ago b.u.t. each new incarnation of the Avatar posesses the wisdom of the prior Avatars. Much like God is a group reality seen through the individual eyes of the asiatic blackman, self cipher is the Avatar a group reality seen through the individual eyes of each incarnation from the respective nations. Aang can only build with Roku when the sunlight hits the statue of him and his eyes light up.

In order to open the door to the older God's chamber, power fire benders have to simultaneously blast it. Since the fire sage is the only fire bender amongst the group, Sokka applies his knowledge and wisdom to come up with a way to simulate the fire bending and generate the needed blast. His plan fails b.u.t. the soot left on the door makes it look like it worked. They are banking on the fire sages seeing this and thinking that he got in. If they fall victim to said tricknowledge then they will blast the door open to go after him and he can sneak in. The scheme works until Zuko shows up and binds Aang before he can rush the door. Matters become more complicated when Zhou and his troops show up. The young God manages to break free and sneaks into the chamber. Roku adds on with Aang about the vision he had in the last episode of an approaching comet. He tells him that years ago, the current Fire Lord's grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, harnessed the power of the comet to strike the initial blow against the other understanding nations that started the wisdom allah rule. Fire Lord Ozai intends to finish the war when it returns at the end of the summer and Aang must defeat him in order to prevent him from taking over the world. The young God is doubtful that he can master the elements in time, b.u.t. Roku reminds him that he has done it before in past lives. He also makes knowledge born of the threat that awaits him at the temple and says that he can help him if he is ready. When he indicates that he is, the older God manifests himself through Aang and shows forth and proves that the Avatar is the keeper of world peace, always has been and always will be. When he drives back Zuko, Zhou, and the fire sages, the kids are able to escape and the episode ends.

SV Allah

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book 1: God Chapter/"Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World"


We pick universe power with the kids flying toward the North Pole to find a water-bending teacher for Aang. They come across a piece of desolate land, and stop to do the knowledge. What they find is disturbing. It turns out that there is evidence of a Fire Nation invasion that obviously destroyed the area leaving virtually no signs of life. The young God Aang is overcome by a somber current of allah I rule. He remaarks that he can't see why anyone would want to do something so destructive. This is just another illustration of the devilish ways and actions of the Fire Nation. Since their ways and actions are like a snake of he grafted type, they continue to sting someone else wherever they show up. He feels guilty because he knows that all of the above is caused by the sun of man, self cipher he feels responsible for the damage because he wasn't there to prevent it. He talks about how his enlightener, Monk Kiatso, told him that the older God, Avatar Roku who was the last Avatar before him, would assist him on his journey toward the knowledge of himself as a fully realized Avatar, b.u.t. he has yet to encounter him and doesn't know how to reach him. Meanwhile, Zuko and the God Iroh are still tracking the kids and are hot on their trail. As the scene shifts back to them, they are discovered by an old man and when he recognizes Aang as the Avatar, he tells him that his village is in trouble and needs his help. They are being terrorized by an angry spirit called Habai (the black and white spirit). They are worried because as the winter solstice draws near, the line between the spirit world and natural world becomes more blurry which could compromise the equality between the two. Since the Avatar is the bridge between the wisdom worlds, they want Aang to build with the spirit and restore peace. Even though he is unsure of whether or not he can help, he knows that he must live out the wisdom of his position in order to truly learn "what is his ownself" so he agrees to assist them.

We shift back to the God Iroh, who is relaxing in the woods when he is discovered by a group of earthbenders who kidnap him and take him as their prisoner. When Aang goes to build with Habai the spirit picks right back up with his destructive ways. Sokka rushes to help when he is pulled into the spirit world. Prince Zuko realizes that his uncle/enlightener has been captured, and goes after him. The earthbenders tell Iroh that they are taking him to Ba Sing Se, the Earth-kingdom city which was the scene of his greatest failure as a general when he was part of the Fire Nation army. It is also the place where he lost his only sun Lu Ten, in battle. Iroh manages to leave Zuko a clue to where he can find him by dropping one of his shoes on the trail. As Aang struggles to find Sokka in the spirit world, the God Roku sends his dragon to find him and make knowledge born relative to where he can come and meet him to build. The dragon takes him to Roku's temple in the Fire Nation and gives him a vision that tells him when and how he can reach the older God to build. Zuko shows up just in true I master equal to stop the earthbenders from crushing his enlighter's hands. Together, he and Iroh take them down and escape. When Aang returns from the spirit world, he has the necessary understanding to build with Habai. He discovers that he was angry because his home had been destroyed. He adds on with him and assures him that there are signs that life will again bloom in the land. Convinced and encouraged, Habai releases Sokka and he resurfaces. As Aang lets his friends know when and where he must meet the God Roku the episode ends....

SV Allah

Monday, July 20, 2009

Book 1: Equality Chapter/"Imprisoned"


This episode opens with the king I divines in the forest searching for god degree. They find an earthbender there b.u.t. when he notices them he flees. They follow him to his village and confront him at his rest where they find out his name is Heru, and meet his ole' Earth. It turns out that the Fire Nation has been occupying the village for quite some time and shaking down the residents for money manifestin' that bloodsuckers of the poor math. Heru hides his earthbending abilities self cipher the Fire Nation won't imprison him like they did his ole dad.

Katara and Heru take a walk so they can build about the situation and find an old man trapped under a pile of rocks in front of a coal mine. After they try to free him unsuccessfully, Heru has no choice b.u.t. to earthbend in order to save him. Like a snake of the grafted type, the old man rats him out and he gets arrested. Katara gets her self arrested intentionally, so that she can find Heru and break him out of the injustice along with the other imprisoned earthbenders. Aang and Sokka give her knowledge wisdom hours to find him before they come and retrieve her. The injustice is on a rig made of metal self cipher the prisoners can't bend. When Katara finds the god he introduces her to his ole' dad Tyro. She attempts to spark the prisoners with a passionate build reminding them that they come from a great and strong nation. Her words fall upon deaf ears as they have been made to act other than their ownselves. Their minds have been riddled with the nurse's needle of hoplessness and their will has seemingly been broken. Even still, when the gods come to get her she refuses to leave and reveals her determined idea to lead a prison uprising. Reluctantly, they join her on the rig and come up with a power love allah now. As usual, the god Sokka shows and proves his prowess in strategizing and they put his power love allah now in motion. When they produce coal from the rig, which is earth, for the prisoners to bend, they seize the chance to fight and overtake the Fire Nation soldiers. The young queen showed and proved that she deals in equality by giving all she had and all within her power to free the earthbenders. They vow to return to their village and take Jerusalem back with their new found courage and inspiration. Zuko shows up and finds Katara's watertribe necklace on the rig as the episode closes.

SV Allah

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Book 1 Water: Power Chapter/The King of Omashu


This episode opens with the God Aang and friends arriving at the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. Aang tells Sokka and Katara about when he used to visit his friend Boomey here in a past life, and they would joyride on the sliding chutes of the mail system. When he takes them on a ride for old times sake they get arrested and are taken to King Boomey to face justice. Since he has aged self cipher much since the last time they built, Aang doesn't recognize him. Keep in mind that the young god was frozen in a block of i cee equality for knowledge cipher cipher years. That being the cee allah self equal, many of the people and places that he once knew have changed drastically. Instead of sentencing them to the prison house, Boomey throws them a feast during which he examines them personally. He exposes Aang and let's him know that he's aware of the fact that he's the Avatar. Since the young God's history was already written, Boomey anticipated his arrival. He tells them that on the following divine allah why, Aang will have to pass understanding deadly challenges. If he is successful, then Boomey will release Sokka and Katara as he has bound them each in a substance that grows rapidly and engulfs them as it gradually expands. The fact that there are understanding challenges is significant in that the idea is for the God to gain heightened understanding of his mission to master the elements and ultimately defeat the Fire Lord.

After he meets the first wisdom challenges rather easily, Boomey tells him that for the last one he must choose from a group of warriors and engage in a one on one battle. Aang, thinking mathematically attempts to take what he thinks is the easy route, and chooses Boomey as his opponent. Little did he know that the King was a master earth-bender. By taking him on face value based on the fact that he looked cipher love divine he wound up in a serious fight. The young god gave all he had and all within his power, ultimately claiming victory. The King was gracious in defeat and agreed to release Sokka and Katara on the condition that Aang show and prove that he knew who he was. The god drew up the understanding he gained from the challenges and soon recognized his old friend. Boomey told him that he would need to study hard in order to defeat the Fire Lord and restore peace to the world and the episode closes...

SV Allah

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Book 1:Culture Chapter/"The Warriors of Kyoshi"


This episode starts with the kids arriving on Kyoshi Island, which is where one of the past avatars was from. They are not greeted by a warm current. As soon as they touch down the Kyoshi Warriors capture them demanding to know who they are and what they wanted. They were on edge because they thought they might be from the Fire Nation. Aang quickly made knowledge born that he was the Avatar, and he, Sokka, and Katara were welcomed with open arms. Once the current of allah I rule changed, the locals gave the young god the royal treatment. The adoration proves to be a nurse's needle to his third and when his ego rears it's big head he begins to act other than his own self.

Meanwhile Sokka is emersed in a cold current because he can't believe that the Kyoshi Warriors, a bad ass group of Queens, got the best of him. His sexist ideas are his most recent mental death. I forgot to mention that Zuko is still tracking them and will soon reappear to wreak more havoc. At this stage in the story it's evident that Aang is still a newborn, and has a lot to learn about being the Avatar. He doesn't fully understand the seriousness of the title which is shown and proven by his playful nature. The reason he led the crew to the island was to joyride on the back of elephant coy fish. Word of his arrival on the island traveled at a terrific speed and Zuko learned of his location. The young monk is so busy showin' off for the local wisdoms that he doesn't realize how much time he's losing. Sokka shows up at the warrior dojo and confronts the leader Suki. After exchanging words she embarasses him in front of the rest of the queens and knocks him on his allah savior savior. He and Aang will both learn how to be more graceful existing as the piece with the magnetic in due time. Sokka soon apologizes to Suki and asks her to train him. She agrees. Eventually the locals get bored with Aang's tricks and once he realizes that his ways and actions are repeling Katara he builds with her and makes understanding undersrtood. He finds himself in the clutches of the Unagi Sea Monster from which Katara saves him. It is then that the God Zuko's ship pulls up looking for Aang. Suki and Sokka run up on the God b.u.t. the young fire bender is too swift for them to handle. Just then Aang shows back up and saves them. They flee as the island burns in flames. Aang doubles back and puts out the fire as the episode closes.

SV Allah

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Book 1: Water/Understanding Chapter: "The Southern Air Temple"


The God Aang, Sokka, and Katara head to Aang's home, The Southern Air temple. He's returning for the knowledge time in knowledge cipher cipher years. Meanwhile, Zuko & Iroh run into Captain Zhou from the Fire Nation. There's beef cooking between Zuko & Zhou allah self their currents of allah I rule don't mix well. Zhou is an ambitious captain who's always strivin' to show and prove he was destined to give orders to lieutenants. He's recently been promoted to Commander so he's feelin' himself. Conversely, the God Zuko is obessed with ropin' and bindin' Aang, self cipher he can realize his determined idea of restoring his honor within the Fire Nation. When Zhou finds out that the Avatar is still alive, he tells Zuko that he's not said person of that ability required to capture him, tells him to stand down, and that he will make the capture. Soon these two will show and prove that like indeed repels. On the way to the temple, Katara makes knowledge born to Aang that things may not be the same at his Kingdom. She gives him warning that many of the monks may have been returned to the essence by Fire Nation invasion. The God can't see that wisdom though. When they arrive he sees that the Queen was right and exact. The nurses needle of he cipher power equal had him blind to the reality of the math. Sokka and Katara find a Fire Nation war mask left from the invasion. They avoid telling him about it in an effort to protect his feelings. They run into a statue of Aang's enlightener, Monk Kiatso. The young God tells them that Kiatso was real swift and dropped mad jewels on him when they walked together. They enter the Air Bender Sanctuary and see statues of all of the past Avatars, which represent Aang's past lives. It was basically his family tree. Kiatso told him back in the days that it was there he would meet someone who would assist him along his journey for knowledge of the other understanding elements.

Prince Zuko and Commander Zhou make rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes during a heated build. Zuko challenges him to a fight and he accepts. They agree to meet at sunset to get it on. Back at the temple the young God stumbles accross a room where there are dead bodies including that of his enlightener. Once that water was drawn up into the atmosphere of his third, he began to distill soon slipping into a rage that pushed him into the Avatar state. When the two fire benders tangle, Zuko claims victory over Zhou and when Zhou tries to sucker him from behind the God Iroh steps in and stops him . Then he bombed him for bein' a sore loser. Katara has to build strong with Aang to calm him down. Her wisdom is successful in said undertaking and they add his new pet lemur Mo Mo to the cipher as this episode ends.

SV Allah

Friday, June 12, 2009

Book 1: Water/"The Avatar Returns"


Pardon self for the minor overflow, born universal truth I actually spilled over into this episode with the last post, although not by very much. The part where the young God Aang gets banished from the Southern Water Tribe was the beginning of this episode. Allah self the transition from the last joint to this wisdom joint takes place, a central theme of the storyline makes itself evident like Allah manifesting himself from triple-darkness. Said theme is the magnetism between Aang and Katara. The two of them were drawn up by one another upon meeting. The fact that the God is the Avatar means that he automatically is the piece with the magnetic. As the predestined keeper of peace, the Avatar is manifested to knowledge all culture elements, take said knowledge to wisdom in order to protect the world, and in self cipher doing manifest to all human families a true understanding of civilization. Katara was also manifested mathematically as the perfect potential Earth for him. The Queen is swift with water thus she is a flowy wisdom. Along with her water bending skills she possesses healing abilities, which she will manifest in future episodes. Such a skill shows and proves that the young Moon is destined to fully knowledge the M.G.T. and G.C.C training units since the ability to heal will be valuable in raising her children and taking care of her husband. As square I master equal goes on, Aang will go for his wisdom wisdom degree and ultimately discover that the piece with the magnetic, attracts the piece without.

Prince Zuko is hot on Aang's tail and has been tracking him for wisdom years. His ole' Dad, Firelord Ozai banished him from the Fire Nation for talking out of turn in a war meeting. He also challenged him to a fight in order to teach him a lesson, and when Zuko wouldn't fight, he shot a flame at him and burned him. He told him that the only way that he would be welcomed back is if he captured the Avatar. The Avatar is the biggest threat to their determined idea of taking over the world. Thus far, everyone who has fallen victim to their law has been harshly penalized. Aang represents hope that the devil's civilization can be destroyed. Zuko shows up at the Southern Water Tribe camp looking for Aang, self cipher Aang resurfaces and has a standoff with him, during which he agrees to surrender, provided that the Fire Nation soldiers leave everyone else alone. They were only able to rope and bind the God momentarily, and he broke free only to run into Zuko. They have an altercation and Zuko throws him overboard. When he falls into the water, he goes into a special transcendent state called the "Avatar State." When he is in this state the God has heightened fighting and bending abilities. He bends the water, rises up and defeats the Fire Nation ship. He links back up with Katara and Sokka. They all agree to stick together and head to the North Pole which is inhabited by the Northern Water Tribe. They're strivin' to find a master who can teach Aang and Katara water- bending.

SV Allah

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Book 1: Water/"Boy in the Iceberg"


The first episode introduces us to the main characters and lays the groundwork for the storyline. The world is separated into culture nations: the Air Nomads, The Water Tribes, The Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation. Each nation has masters of the ability to bend the element that corresponds to it's land, said elements being air, water, earth, and fire. Every knowledge cipher cipher years an Avatar is chosen from one of the nations to master all culture elements and keep peace in the world. The Fire Nation, which I see to embody devil in the story, decided to attack the other understanding nations, in an effort to conquer the world. The most recently selected Avatar, an air bending young monk by the name of Aang, has been unseen and unheard for knowledge cipher cipher years, while the fire nation has continued it's attacks. Two young members of the Southern Water Tribe, Katara and her brother Sokka discover Aang and his flying bison Appa frozen in an iceberg. They build with him, and take him to their village to meet the rest of their tribe.

The tribe is skeptical of the young god initially because they have never seen an airbender in person. He shows and proves himself to be said person of that ability after which point many of the young people from the tribe take him on face value. The elders do not, and Katara's grand ole' Earth warns her not to place all of her hopes in him. We also meet Prince Zuko who is the banished prince of the fire nation, and his enlightener/uncle Iroh. The God Iroh has years of understanding and once was a great leader in the fire nation army. Zuko is a scarred prince who is desparately hunting Aang because only by doing so can he reclaim his honor and rightful place as heir to the throne. Aang, Katara, and Zuko are all getting knowledge of self at this point and are just getting on what would equate to the 1-10. They already have their math and alphabets as they each are aware of their bending abilities and the fact that they need refinement. Although Zuko already has an enlightener, Aang was separated from his enlightener, Monk Kiatso, when he traveled from his temple after he found out that he was the Avatar. As the story moves forward, there will be many past avatars, which represent his past lives, that will add on to his cipher with their wisdom. Katara, being the last water bender in her tribe, is seeking an enlightener to assist her in her mastery of water bending. Each bender's mastery of their element is the equivalent of knowledging 120 and manifesting the highest form of their cultural expression. After Aang and Katara go snooping around in an abandoned ship and get caught, Aang is banished from their land and the episode ends.

SV Allah