Sunday, August 23, 2009

Book 1 Water: Knowledge Cipher Chapter/"Jet"


This power allah god equality in the Q'uran of the group opens with them in a jungle type area. They sense the danger of Fire Nation presence and the God Sokka suggests that instead of flying, allah self they normally would, they walk in order to remain in a fine mist as they travel. His idea is met with resistance by Katara and Aang. His angle is right and exact, in that the reason they keep getting spotted is because Appa is too conspicuous due to his size. Sokka is a born leader and doesn't sit and wait for things to happen. He instead does the knowledge and plans moves mathematically. In spite of taking a ribbing from the rest of the unit, his will is done and they decide to walk every step of the way. They quickly find that walking is slow and tiring. They also run into a cee allah master power of Fire Nation soldiers. Just as it seems that trouble will be caused among the righteous, a hero enters the picture and shows and proves swiftness with double swords. His now allah master equal is Jet.

Jet and his squad are hardly detected as they spring into action from the trees slaying the Fire Nation soldiers at a terrific speed. Allah self their leader the young God is the most skilled fighter and his sword game is scientific. He shows and proves knowledge as a quality and overcomes high digit quantity in fighting, taking the heads of all in his path. His squad is called the Freedom Fighters. It turns out that each member has had someone close to them returned back by the Fire Nation. As a result, they started a civilization in the trees. They spend their square I master equal ambushing their troops, and murdering the devil that is their wicked ways. Katara is somewhat drawn up by Jet. The God has magnetic and is said person of the ability to make rain, hail, snow and earthquakes when necessary making him allah love love the more appealing to the Queen. When he and Sokka go on a mission together they run into an old man from the Fire Nation and Jet wanted to shake him down and take his head. Sokka manifested a just and true nature when he said emphatically now cipher, and made him spare the life. At this point, it becomes clear that their currents don't mix. Jet uses his charm to convince Aang and Katara to stay and help him ward off a pending Fire Nation attack, against the wishes of Sokka, who sensed a filthy affair.

When he overhears his power love allah now to destroy a Fire Nation camp full of innocent women and children intermingled amongst soldiers, he confronts him for his savage ways and actions. The Freedom Fighters take him captive and Jet enlists the help of Aang and Katara to blow the village dam and flood the Earth-Kingdom camp returning wisdoms and babies back. Once they catch wisdom I now divine of the plan they go to stop him resulting in a battle between Jet and Aang. The God Jet gave the young Sun a rule u now for his money b.u.t. Aang showed and proved that he's the Avatar, always has been and always will be victorious. Katara comes in with the ill assist and freezes Justice Equal Truth at understanding wisdom degrees against a tree. One of the Freedom Fighters blew the damn b.u.t. Sokka went to the town and warned the village people in time for them to escape. The Queen and the young God show Sokka respect for manifesting his wisdom to advocate one common cause as the episode ends.

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