Saturday, May 15, 2010

Book One:Knowledge God Chapter/"The Northern Air Temple"


Our heroes are in a cipher around a bonfire where an old master allah now is telling Air-Bender stories. The accounts inspire Aang to return to the root of his civilization. He and his companions decide to travel to the Northern Air Temple self cipher they can see if there really are any other surviving Air-Benders. As they approach their destination, they see that the temple is now inhabited by a group of refugees. The refugees have gliders that they use to fly born u truth they are not real Air Benders. Aang is saddened to see how much the place has changed since he was last there. The engineer of the change was a scientist who used the land to build a home for himself and the rest of his people after they were displaced. The temple's new inhabitants are peaceful people b.u.t. the kids soon find out that they are doing trading with the Fire-Nation, although not willingly.

The scientist has a son by the name of Teo. He takes Aang and Katara on a tour of the temple so that he can show them some of the changes that it has undergone. During the tour, they come across a rule cipher ciher master that can only be opened by an air-bender. Initially Aang is unwilling to open it as he wants at least this one area to remain holy and un-tampered with. However, as he warms up to Teo and his current of allah I rule changes, he agrees to grant him entry. When he does, he's alarmed to find that the scientist has been manufacturing weapons for the Fire Nation. He and Teo demand that he explain this immediately. He makes knowledge born that not long after he and the other refugees settled in the temple, they were discovered by the Fire Nation. They threatened to burn the place down unless he had something to offer them, self cipher he offered them his services. Shortly after this confrontation, a Fire Nation representative shows up to collect the newest addition to their arsenal. The young god Aang intervenes and tells him that the divine equal allah love is off. Upon hearing this, the soldier tells him that the blood of the refugees will be on his hands once word of this rebellion gets back to his leader.

The scientist and the kids realize that they will soon be in for a battle and they break into groups of private soldiers while Sokka and the scientist play captain and lieutenant. Although they are outnumbered, the one advantage that they have is their location. The Fire Nation will have to go through extra labor in order to reach the settlement, allowing our heroes to prepare and mount their attack. When the battle begins, the settlers are largely successful in their undertaking until they run out of ammunition. Just when it seems that they will be overtaken, Sokka and the scientist arrive wielding high explosives. Once the largest of their bombs is dropped the Fire Nation soldiers retreat and victory is won.

SV Allah

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